Pickleball Play
Pickleball Play

Frequently Asked Questions

Head to any pickleball court and you will hear words, phrases, and rules that will not be said anywhere else. For players just entering the sport, this can cause major confusion. Below we have compiled a list of the most common pickleball questions, along with the answer you are looking for.

Let’s start with the basics:

Whether you are a pickleball veteran, have just discovered your love for the game, or simply love all things pickleball, you have come to the right place for the answers to your questions!

When and where was pickleball invented?

Pickleball was born in 1965 and calls Bainbridge Island, not far from Seattle, Washington, its birthplace.

Who invented pickleball?

Joel Pritchard, Barney McCallum, and Bill Bell invented pickleball in 1965. Two years later the first official court was built at Pritchard’s neighbor, Bill O’Brian’s home.

How was pickleball invented?

Pritchard, McCallum, and Bell had initially set out to play badminton, but they improvised with paddles and a plastic ball after being unable to locate the necessary equipment. The net was quickly lowered from the 60-inch height used for badminton to the 36-inch height still used in pickleball today. The next weekend they wrote the pickleball rules, and the first official court was erected two years later in the backyard of Pritchard’s neighbor, Bill O’Brian. By 1990, pickleball was being played in all 50 states. Today, pickleball is enjoyed by over 4 million people annually and growing!

Where can I play pickleball?

Pickleball is played all across the world and public and private courts are filling up. If you are looking to find a pickleball game near you, check out our Club Directory.

Pickleball Rules

The rules of pickleball can feel endless, here are just some...

What is the kitchen?

Just like our mother’s rules around the house, in pickleball, you have to stay out of the kitchen. The non-volley zone is nicknamed the “kitchen” and in pickleball, no player is allowed inside (or on the line) of the non-volley zone unless the ball has bounced. This includes stepping into the kitchen following a volley or after the ball has been ruled dead.

How do you score a point in pickleball?

In pickleball, your team only scores while you are serving, similar to volleyball. Games are often played to 11 (win by two) and each team will receive 2 serves. Points are played until one of the teams commits a fault and the opposing team receives a point if they are serving.

If the pickleball hits the line is it in or out?

If you are in a very serious game of pickleball, it may be best to ask someone to referee. Most of us are just enjoying the game and calling ins and outs as we see it. For those close calls though, remember that if the pickleball hits the line, it’s in!

What is the dimension of a pickleball court?

For a lot of pickleball players out there, pickleball starts with a tape measure and sports tape. In the early years of pickleball, there weren’t as many dedicated pickleball courts as there are today, so in order to get out on the court, players had to make their own!

Below is a useful video from the Pickleball Channel on how to measure and mark out a temporary pickleball court.

How to set up a temporary Pickleball court

How do I choose the right pickleball paddle?

This is one of, if not the most asked questions within pickleball. There are many pickleball paddle options available and you want the best! Unfortunately, this is not a one-word answer, but to sum up our thoughts, the most important factor in choosing the right pickleball paddle is YOU. Because almost every pickleball player is different, it is best to know what you, as an individual, do well and find the paddle that suits you best. Whether that be a control, balanced, or power paddle there is a pickleball paddle out there for you. Pickle-ball.co.uk offer great advice online for choosing a paddle.

Pickleball Terms:

What is an ATP?

If you are watching a game of pickleball and someone scores a point on the elusive ATP shot you will understand almost right away. One of the better shots in pickleball, an ATP is a shot that is hit Around The Post of the net. Typically this shot brings a player outside of the sideline and the player hits the pickleball around the post of the net into the opponent’s side of the court. This is cause for celebration and you will see many laughs and smiles if this is done correctly!

What is a banger?

Typically this involves some negative connotation, apologies if you have been called this but...you can change. A banger is a player who is constantly hitting balls hard and has a tough time slowing the game down with finesse and precision. While it is good to hit the ball hard, great players can bring both power and control to their style of play.

What is a dink?

A soft shot hit on a bounce from the non-volley zone intended to arc over the net and land within the opposing non-volley, either straight across or diagonally crosscourt. An effective dink arcs downward as it crosses the net, creating a more difficult shot to return than a power shot. To become an elite pickleball player, you must master the dink.

Pickleball Tips

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